Share all your cryptocurrency addresses with 1 |

Send and receive over 100 different cryptocurrencies on over 5 different networks.

Transferring coins made easy
We did all the thinking so you don’t have to.
Secure transfer
Connect your favourite wallet and we will take care of the rest.
All-in-One link
Stop sending multiple cryptocurrency addresses with incomplete information.
Personalized page
Add custom colours to your page; be unique, be different.
Send and receive safely

Stop exporting your private keys to others. Instead, copy and paste the receiving address to your favourite cryptocurrency wallet or use our cryptocurrency wallet integrations.

“Not your keys, not your coins.”

Share hundreds of coin and network combinations

Easily share all your cryptocurrency addresses and the networks they are on. You can also configure custom addresses for specific coins!

Generate a QR code

Display it on your social profile, on your shop’s window, on the door of your minivan, and on your business card. The possibilities are endless.

Customise your page

Change the background colour to something you want! We have a few default options that we think suit the best but you can also choose your own.

Integrate user messages within your livestream

Receive cryptocurrency donations on your livestream with a message from the viewer! Currently, we support Streamlabs and StreamElements integrations.

Choose the right plan for your business
You can start with the starter plan and upgrade it in the future.

Everything that you need to get you started


  • 5 cryptocurrencies

  • 2 networks

  • Receive messages

  • Generate a QR code

  • Customise your page

  • Integrate Streamlabs and StreamElements

  • Add your own cryptocurrency or network to your home page


The push you need to enrich your customer experience


  • Over 100 cryptocurrencies

  • Over 5 networks

  • Receive messages

  • Generate a QR code

  • Customise your page

  • Integrate Streamlabs and StreamElements

  • Add your own cryptocurrency or network to your home page


The ultimate plan to personalise your customer experience


  • Over 100 cryptocurrencies

  • Over 5 networks

  • Receive messages

  • Generate a QR code

  • Customise your page

  • Integrate Streamlabs and StreamElements

  • Add your own cryptocurrency or network to your home page

Try it out, it’s free anyway
Got any questions? Check out the FAQ.

© Transfer Coins. All rights reserved.